Sunday, 26 April 2015

Dealing With Negative Brand Image

It is very safe to say that the banking industry is one of the least favored in modern times, which makes the task for marketers to positively portray these companies all the more difficult. This discussion aims to target the challenge of changing brand reputation and negative associations with their products, as well as analyse the similarities between two of the big 4 banks in Australia, being Commonwealth & NAB.

There are clear similarities which both companies have in common in each advertisement, there is a clear aim underlying in an effort to utilise the repetition of common company motto's frequently used by both companies in the past, in an effort to communicate a sense of positivity and personability behind each of their brands. However there are some differences in how they framed these recurrent sayings, the ANZ advertisement uses actor Simon Baker who is a frequent spokesperson for their company to encapsulate some of his credibility for their company, notice that they have refrained from showing the ANZ logo in this advertisement which can arguably be linked back to negative consumer perception. However commonwealth has capitalised on using their brand image to noticeably frame the saying “Can” which is their Campaign slogan from “Can’t”. In this pair of advertisements both companies have aimed to improved their brand reputation but with two contrasting themes, where one capitalises on Logo distinguishability and the other abstains from using it.

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